Technologists Resources
Welcome to the Tech Zone
Web3 is built by technology, where we have so much choice and evolution it is practically impossible to keep up.
We will focus on 2 streams of execution, the first being the Reference Architecture and the second being the Reference Implementation. Reference Architecture will survive generations of Reference Implementation and evolve to meet future needs
Technology Options & Considerations
As we move into implementation, we are presented with the challenges of building a very rapidly evolving ecosystem.
While Solidty and the EVM drive much of Smart Contract activity, we want to make sure we future-proof our work by allowing the community to embrace other platforms. You will therefore find throughout the w3if organization, people porting the reference architecture to different platforms.
One such consideration is Polkadot with Substrate / Ink! (Rust), here is a comparison of technology stacks
Reference Architecture
A key objective of the w3if is to recognize that in order to future-proof our work, we need to provide the foundation of our intellectual property. Stemming from this work, we then move into concrete implementations. We reserve the concrete implementations to be scaled out by the community as needed. Today, we know Solidity and Substrate are leading blockchain technology frameworks, however, we also know that in a short time, another will come.
To get started, our github ( holds all our work.