w3if Blogs
w3if Blogs
Our members contribute on a regular schedule, interesting and enlightening content. Many of these submissions are promote a bogs on our site.
If you would like to contribute interesting articles or content, please email us at blogs@w3if.org
Blog Topics
We have the following sections for blogs
Dealing with technology matters like, smart contracts, etherium, substrate. We discuss Oracles, offchain and onchan transactions
Explore how we develop the pathway to restructure the insurance operational models and the challenges and opportunities there in
Engage all things legal and how web3 needs to help manage legal structures and provide surety. This includes a large part the lawsuits pertaining to claims and how blockchain can be used to simplify these relationships
How we manage our community, purpose and quality. Looking at other great organizations and how they solve truly social scope challenges
When its time to fix things, this part of our community is critical. We explore concepts and challenges with opportunity for solutions on integrating service partners to this space
Other general topics we don't specifically cover, you will find some interesting topcis in here