Our Mission

We are the Insurance Industry

We, the people, are the heart of the Insurance ecosystem and, therefore, come first in the need to deliver sustainable outcomes. It's that simple.

When we imagine a better, safer world, we rely upon the sustainability of our livelihood. Our Insurance ecosystem bridges today's accomplishments with tomorrow's uncertainty.  

Insurance is based on trust, trust that the Insured is not defrauding the Insurer, and reciprocal trust the Insurer will meet their obligations to the Insured.  This precarious trust(less) arrangement is precisely the problem Web3 technology solves.

We democratize an activity to make it more equitable and bring trust.  Insurance is no exception.  We are here to promote Insurance to the next level.  To achieve this, we will decentralize it, make it transparent and self-governing, and enable all to prosper. 

The W3IF develops, accelerates, and promotes this social convergence.  

Core Mission

The web3 InsurTech Foundation develops, accelerates, and promotes Web3 technology in the insurance industry.  We provide technology, governance, regulatory insights, business models, and marketing resources to decentralize insurance challenges.  We foster those who want to lead new paths in security for our communities.

Core Values

To support our mission, we, the community of the web3 InsurTech Foundation, adopt the following core values through which our community will thrive.  

Do Good  - We agree, when presented with choices, we align to benefit our community the most.

Be Accountable  - We agree to hold ourselves and our peers accountable to our values.

Promote Inclusiveness  - We agree everyone is welcome. Insurance is emotional; we need compassionate discussions. 

Deliver Equity -  We agree to pursue equal outcomes regardless of circumstances.

Accelerate Technology  - We agree to advance technology as it aligns with our core values and moves our community forward.